Time to chat?

Communication is a great thing.
We can share over a cuppa, internet, phone…

Simply contact me:

Sessions: Price on Agreement/Donation

Conscious Conversations

Simply, Ali shares conversations that bring deep awareness and understanding in what we are creating into our life experiences and life is reflecting to us, our frequency reflection. Offering ownership of the program we are running and awareness into creating the changes we choose to see/be and empowering our self. (dropping the blame game and owning our own shit!) Embracing the gifts our own reactions in life that are being reflected and shared with us.

Ali’s Role Play is Limitless.

A combination of the journey through life and modalities shares the expression she most adores, which is the intuitive natural ability in creating awareness and choice in changing life through embracing who we are.

Human – Daughter – Mother – WifeReiki MasterAdvanced Hypnotherapist
Intuitive Energy Essence ArtistLaw of Attraction PractitionerLomilomi Massage Practitioner
AromaTouch Massage PractitionerMentorWordsmith – Storyteller
Core Grid Activator & Core Stabilizing Energy GeneratorFoot Joint Mobilisation PractitionerIntuitive Healer/Life Coach Intuitive Self Alignment (& Understanding Life)
Meditation – RelaxationReflective Life ReaderAuthor

Ali intuitively uses presence, awareness, energy, thought, word, art, symbolism in expansion, understanding and responsibility of our self,  manifestation/creation allowing one to come to peace through the life experience and beyond.

Chat About Life…

Email: alison@alisonmclean.co.nz
Contact Ali